When Should I Use Artificial Intelligence in My Work?

June 10, 2024

Cash Myers

L5 Software Engineer-Architect & Team Lead

Read time: 3 - 5 mins

In such cases as the common occurrences of:

  • Software development
  • Content writing  
  • Image creation
  • Product descriptions

This is a great question!  

Let me ask you a question in return: Does it feel like cheating?  

Do you say to yourself “Am I just being lazy? … Or am I being smart, efficient and wise?”

Let me answer this question by sharing with you that one of my most loved hobbies is the craft of woodworking. I enjoy restoring old hand planes from the turn of the century (19th to 20th) forwards. And I also love gadgets! I treasure the regular use of my compound miter saw, the high-end table saw ... also an old bow saw and a couple of civil war era hand saws! So let me tell you a story!

"The Woodworker's Wisdom: Balancing Tradition and Innovation"

In a small, tranquil village nestled at the edge of a vast forest, lived a master carpenter named Ethan. Ethan was renowned for his exquisite craftsmanship, which he achieved using traditional hand planes and handsaws passed down through generations. His workbench, cluttered with chisels and wooden shavings, was a testament to his dedication and skill.

One day, a young apprentice named Liam arrived at Ethan’s workshop, eager to learn the art of woodworking. Liam marveled at the delicate details and smooth finishes of Ethan’s creations. However, he couldn’t help but notice the time and effort Ethan invested in each piece.

“Master Ethan,” Liam said one day, “I’ve heard of modern planers and skill saws that can do the same work in a fraction of the time. Why do you insist on using these old tools?”

Ethan smiled, understanding Liam’s curiosity. “There is wisdom in what you say, young Liam. Modern tools can indeed save time and effort, and there are moments when they are invaluable. So Liam, let me tell you a story.”

Ethan began to recount the tale of two brothers, Thomas and Edward, who inherited their father’s woodworking business. Thomas, the elder, cherished their father’s hand tools and continued to use them, crafting each piece with care and precision. Edward, on the other hand, embraced modern technology, investing in the latest planers and skill saws to speed up production.

At first, Edward’s decision seemed wise. His business boomed as he produced more furniture in less time. Customers were drawn to the shiny new pieces that appeared almost overnight. Meanwhile, Thomas worked slowly, often missing out on lucrative orders.

However, as time passed, something curious happened. Edward’s furniture, though initially attractive, began to show flaws. The machines couldn’t replicate the intricate joinery and personal touch that Thomas’s hand tools could achieve. Edward’s pieces lacked the character and durability that Thomas’s work possessed.

Thomas, despite his slower pace, gained a loyal following of customers who appreciated the craftsmanship and longevity of his furniture. His pieces became heirlooms, passed down through families, each one telling a story of patience and skill.

Liam listened intently, absorbing the lesson. Ethan continued, “There are times when using modern tools is not only acceptable but also necessary. When you need to meet a deadline or handle large projects, these tools can be a great boon. But if you rely solely on them, you risk losing the essence of true craftsmanship. The balance is key.”

Ethan guided Liam to a project. “Let’s build a chair using both methods. We’ll start with hand tools for the intricate parts and use the modern tools for the larger, less detailed work.”

As they worked together, Liam learned to appreciate the tactile feedback of the hand plane and the meditative rhythm of the handsaw. He also saw the efficiency of the planer and skill saw, understanding how each had its place in the process.

In the end, they crafted a beautiful chair that combined the best of both worlds. It had the precision of modern technology and the soul of traditional craftsmanship. Liam realized that the question wasn’t whether it was okay to use modern tools or hand tools, but rather how and when to use them.

“Remember, Liam,” Ethan said, “tools are extensions of our intent. Whether they are old or new, what matters most is the thought and care we put into our work. Use each tool wisely, and your creations will reflect the best of both worlds.”

And so, Liam carried this wisdom forward, becoming a master in his own right, blending tradition with innovation, and always honoring the art of craftsmanship.



So yes, we CAN use AI in developing code for our software applications, images and design layouts for user interfaces, even content generation for email responses, chat bot interactions, etc.

HOWEVER, we should never exclusively rely upon the AI content without the infusion of creativity and precision crafting with the oversight from our human intelligence!!

Make sure that Artificial Intelligence work is the "extension" of YOUR intent, not its replacement!

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