Why Consulting Teams Leave Individual Consultants In The Dust

May 24, 2024

Cash Myers

L5 Software Engineer-Architect & Team Lead

In today's rapidly evolving IT landscape, the demand for strategic, efficient, and high-quality solutions is higher than ever. As IT leaders, the choice between hiring individual consultants and consulting teams can significantly impact your project's success. At Tanduo Technical Partners, Inc., we believe that purpose-built consulting teams outperform individual consultants. Here's why:

Collaboration and Diverse Expertise

A consulting team brings together a diverse set of skills and experiences, fostering a collaborative environment where innovative solutions are born. Unlike individual consultants, who may excel in specific areas but lack breadth, teams can address complex challenges from multiple angles. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of a project are thoroughly considered and expertly handled.

Risk Mitigation and Continuity

One of the main pitfalls of relying on individual consultants is the risk associated with single points of failure. If an individual consultant is unavailable due to illness, vacation, or any unforeseen circumstance, the project can come to a halt. In contrast, a consulting team provides built-in redundancy. Team members can cover for each other, ensuring continuity and minimizing downtime.

Enhanced Productivity

Individual consultants often face productivity challenges. While they might bill for eight hours, actual effective work can be significantly less due to various distractions and inefficiencies. In contrast, a well-organized team can maximize productivity by dividing tasks according to each member's strengths and collaborating to solve problems more efficiently. This synergy means that a team can often complete work faster and with higher quality than an individual working alone.


At first glance, hiring individual consultants might seem more cost-effective. However, when considering the broader picture—such as the risk of delays, the need for constant oversight, and the potential for burnout—the cost can quickly add up. Consulting teams, on the other hand, often deliver more value for money. With shared responsibilities and collaborative problem-solving, teams can achieve project goals more efficiently, reducing the overall time and cost of delivery.

Quality and Consistency

Consulting teams adhere to best practices and maintain high standards of quality. Teams are accustomed to rigorous documentation, regular code reviews, and continuous integration practices that ensure consistent quality. Individual consultants, while skilled, may not always have the bandwidth or support system to maintain such standards independently.

Practical Example: The Coffee Pot Analogy

Consider the analogy of coffee pots. If you need to serve coffee to a large group, managing multiple small coffee pots can be inefficient and time-consuming. Instead, having one large, well-designed coffee pot can streamline the process, providing a steady flow of coffee with less effort. Similarly, a consulting team is like that large coffee pot—efficient, reliable, and capable of meeting high demands with ease.


As an IT leader, choosing between individual consultants and consulting teams is a critical decision. At Tanduo Technical Partners, Inc., we advocate for consulting teams because they bring together diverse expertise, ensure continuity, enhance productivity, and provide superior value and quality. Embrace the power of collaboration and let our purpose-built teams drive your projects to success.

Thoughts for your decision process

  1. How much longer can your business afford the inefficiencies and the unpredictability of groups of individual contractors, or siloed thinking?
  1. Can you risk the time sensitive delivery of your critical projects on the availability of individuals?

Ready to experience the benefits of a consulting team? Contact Tanduo Technical Partners, Inc. today and let us help you achieve your IT goals with precision and excellence.

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